Woman paraded by hamas video

Woman paraded by hamas video

My Account. All Rights Reserved. Related Stories. And they can't deal with it. Top Shows. More Stories. It was staff at the army's Shura base, where bodies arrived for identification, who have provided investigators with some of the most crucial evidence. Though Louk has been declared dead, her body has not been returned from Gaza. People were burned to ashes. An array of shocking videos began percolating Saturday, showing Hamas terrorists from Gaza launching an invasion of Israel. One of the body-collectors volunteering with the religious organisation Zaka described to me signs of torture and mutilation which included, he said, a pregnant woman whose womb had been ripped open before she was killed, and her foetus stabbed while it was inside her. Other footage showed pickup trucks shuttle smiling gunmen alongside the bodies of dead or wounded captives through Gaza, with crowds of hundreds of men shouting and cheering bloody chaos.

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