Cant access pornhub in texas

Cant access pornhub in texas

Read our full ExpressVPN review. Kekesi added that Pornhub is consulting its legal team and "reviewing options," adding: "This is not the end. Supreme Court upholds the law: A group of porn industry lobbyists sued to prevent the law from taking effect. After the installation is performed, open NordVPN and sign in with your credentials. The Pornhub sites' message continued, "Until the real solution is offered, we have made the difficult decision to completely disable access to our website in Texas. You can also find other VPNs that succeed yet fall short in other areas such as server speeds for streaming. Secure all of your devices at the same time. As things stand in , this type of age verification is unlikely to become a norm. Fast forward to February Oct 25, Laurel, MD. Three Divisions. This comes as a federal appeals court upheld a Texas law mandating that pornography platforms implement age-verification measures to ensure only adults aged 18 or older can access their websites, the Houston Chronicle initially reported.

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