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Actress Writer Producer Despicable Me 2 Storyset Free editable illustrations. Edit profile. With a passion for adventure and athleticism rivaling her dedication to helping others, Miss Yabandeh excels as an avid polo player, who has participated in several world snow polo championships and many exhibition, charity-oriented polo matches worldwide, swimmer, yoga enthusiast, and has trained with Navy SEAL Team Six in support of the Department of Defense. Please wait Pegah Ferydoni. Bahar began acting at age 27, guest starring in television shows like Without a Trace , 24 , JAG , among others. Iranian Languages and Culture. During the Islamic revolution, Aghdashloo left Iran for England, to complete her education. Explore all photos business and marketing Lifestyle and wellness nature people and emotions food and drink education and learning sport industry and technology. Actress Producer Child of the Soil Hengameh Ghaziani was born on 20 May in Mashhad, Iran.

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