Alice braga ass

Alice braga ass

When things go dangerously wrong, they act like everybody else, but face the situations and don't try to be cool anymore but to survive until the air is cleared. Hooray for 'Predators. I don't know that I would have picked Brody to be the team leader in an action adventure but he seems to make it work, especially at the point when he reveals that set of ripped abs. Predators , R Rizar 3 November It's definitely better than all the Predator versus Alien movies. But it's all still much more intriguing that just pitting two franchise monsters against each other. First off I'm a huge predator fan. What if I leave and then it gets good. Given its inherent similarities, the film bares a stunning amount of resemblance to last year's terrific "Pandorum" — where a space crew wakes up with no memory onboard a vessel designed as a Noah's Ark of sorts to vicious creatures hunting them. The original Predator movie was a classic, largely because of its simplistic plot, but naturally helped along by the presence of Mr Schwarzenegger up against a cool alien. I would give this movie one star for it's weak story, weak script, poor acting and unashamed duplication of other films if it wasn't for a great performance from Laurence Fishburne which was sadly far too short, and again, his character was utterly wasted. The story is not overly ambitious, they play it straight and the focus is given more to building tension, which it manages to do very well.

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