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She followed that film with a star turn opposite Ryan Gosling in the adaptation of the Nicholas Sparks bestseller The Notebook , which was a surprise box office success and became the predominant romantic drama for a new, young generation of moviegoers. If you were one of the many patrons who frequented Essence about three years ago, you may have enjoyed San Antonio native John William Snavely, now 26, who danced there about the time the picture was taken. Support Us. My boyfriend and I were regulars at Mother, this nightclub that used to be in the Meatpacking District. Katie's character was Libbets Casey, a rich New Yorker, who is pursued by two of the main characters. You were at a dinner, then a bar, and ended up at Studio However, the group stayed together at the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater. Cobie Smulders. Silverman has made memorable guest appearances on a number of acclaimed and notable television shows, including Monk, which earned her a Primetime Emmy Awards nomination for "Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series. How was The Queen received? Here it is again. But so many necessary rights and protections were gained over the last eight years of Obama.

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