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References are made regarding Renly's and Loras's sexuality iirc throughout. Even in , I did some digging on websites to find affordable ticket prices. It's not just sex and violence in the book to consider, you know. It tells the story of autistic adults, played by autistic adults, run by a neurodivergent creative team. The hardest part of this book is keeping track of the politics and affiliations. The show has been ongoing for almost 20 years and is the fourth-longest-running Broadway show, according to the New York Theatre Guide. Astute readers would also pick up on the fact that Loras and Renly have the same kind of relationship though I also wouldn't qualify that as controversial as it's very subtly presented and many people don't even pick it up hide spoiler ] I mostly said it was controversial, as in, controversial for american culture, we like to argue about the nature of other peoples desire for some reason like it affects all of us. Good luck. Beheadings are the most pleasent ways to die in this series. At the Expense of the Invisible: the White Male Perspective of Cartoon by Sierra Stern on November 20, November 20, There is no dearth of fiction for teaching young white boys how to be sociopaths. To give Kinney credit for offering commentary on the Indian American experience would be beyond generous, especially since such a moment of racial nuance would be an unprecedented occurrence within the series. Notify me of new posts by email.

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