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In a later scene, Thief is unimpressed with a so-called dark, mysterious woods the party has entered, and makes an aside remark about having seen "darker wood in Elf porn. One of Peg's cousins tells him this actually happens all the time; it happened to her doctor once. If I don't I might see it again! In The Devil is a Part-Timer! And that's all! GOB from Arrested Development carries a stash of pills that he calls "forget-me-nows". The sooner we get to Twilight's and teach her about the facts of life, the sooner we can all go our separate ways and clop or stab ourselves in the eyes or whatever it is we need to do. I don't think you wanna go in there right now! Tom's reaction is identical to VanDorn's in Hardcore. Mane Six release Celestia and Luna from their prison only for them both having been reduced to fillies and Celestia having lost her memory and thinks she just came back from Paradise Estate where Discord was actually good. After learning that Zari and John slept together, Ava's response is to throw up. This is one of those dances.

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