Pornhub banned in india

Pornhub banned in india

Palgrave Macmillan US. New York, NY Oct. But the last attempt never really materialized, obviously. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Technology 3 things that won me over at WWDC All rights reserved. The court asked the centre to ban pornographic websites in India, citing an incident from Dehradun where a 10th standard girl was raped by four of her seniors. India has the third largest base of porn consumers in the world, in some polls, whereas in others, we have come a close second. Related Stories. Major telecom companies like Jio, Airtel and Vodafone have banned many websites from their network including many genuine and legal ones. Many sex related topics, such as pornography, are considered taboo in traditional Indian households. Moreover, a significant portion of the porn that is consumed in India is the material that is shared using WhatsApp and Telegram.

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