Pornhub statistics

Pornhub statistics

Pregnancy porn is most popular in the Dakotas and Nebraska and least popular in Hawaii, California, and Nevada. Male porn actors are 7 times more likely to get an orgasm compared to women. The tool will show you the top keywords driving traffic to pornhub. Some favorite gay search terms, by state. Adult Film Performer Effects and Abuse. Porn has a lot to say about the president and his family. While both genders enjoy adult content, women are more likely to consume written erotica. However, it is difficult to measure the direct impact of these precautions because open and safe conversations are a prevention practice, not a mitigation intervention. Accessed June 21, For example, it was found that for gay and lesbian young adults, the internet has become a safe place to self-examine and educate themselves over uncomfortable issues such as pornography. The poor spending habits and lifestyles of the adult film world have many financial consequences for the performers. Their mission is to publicize scientific and personal data about the negative effects of pornography so that individuals can make an informed decision on how they will use it.

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