Pornhub 2015 year in review

Pornhub 2015 year in review

Mirror, mirror on the wall. They are passionate about educating parents on the traps of pornography, encouraging them to talk about it with their children before it becomes a part of their lives. Jason Huxley is the founder of Guilty Pleasure. All linked products are independently selected by our editors. Up Periscope — Sexual harassment on the horizon. January 7, , PM. For us, it comes as no surprise that the world watched a lot of porn last year! Novelty generates an adrenaline rush that makes the experience of viewing feel better and more exciting. Related Posts Porn induced erectile dysfunction is a thing Gallery Porn induced erectile dysfunction is a thing Porn. This certainly proves that anything taboo is very popular, which makes sense. And it was most certainly the year that Pornhubs stats went even more weird. In the USA the southern states, regarded as having more more religious conservatism, had longer viewing sessions than those up north.

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