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Gunsmoke Games. People thought he had some unbeatable magic, but some started doubting him. An adult story-driven adventure awaits! Because of his shy and gentle nature, he never expresses his feelings for Aiko, but she discover In Secrets of Sorcery, you're relocating to Dusuka so that you may study at Dusuka Academy, the nation's finest institution of higher education. Log in Register. Along the way, you'll meet a diverse group of friends, including charming girls. In Lustful Sin, there was a demon roaming the Earth for ages, controlling people's actions and thoughts. In Dungeon Explorers, a tale unfolds as an escaped slave sets out on a journey for vengeance against his oppressors. In Waifu Slut School, while running to the lady of your dreams after passing your final high school exams, you are struck by an unspeakable vehicle and sent to hell in the blink of an eye. As this young woman, you Love by the Water [v 0.

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