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Many shops either close down or were destroyed by the Death Eaters. Dumbledore show Harry a memory of his, showing Dumbledore interviewing a teacher in a bar for the Divination subject a subject in Hogwarts that teach student to predict the future, reading tea leaves, reading sign of the stars to predict future. This is why Lord Voldemort could not die. Site Top congress. Hi there mates, its impressive article regarding cultureand fully explained, keep it up all the time. He grew up with his cousin, Dudley, who is awful to Harry as well. Here you go… home-made nutella with all the pleasure and not much of the guilty feeling. If you are interested feel free to shoot me an email. She request Veritaserum the truth potion which make the drinker to speak only the truth from Professor Snape. Sirius is dead, he must be the one to finish off Voldemort. It turns his world upside down. Any recommendations?

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