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Reports of cast members quitting, along with script rewrites and production delays have also kept Megalopolis in limbo for years. Switch edition between U. Global Expand the sub menu. Perhaps the thought of making a shitty, embarrassing, pompous film is less frightening than that of never making it at all. So all the way through the shoot, he lived there. It may feel like it's been a while since White Lotus season 2 captivated the internet and TikTok For You pages what with the SAG strike and postponement of the Emmy Awards , but Aubrey Plaza is making up for lost time in a look that gave a subtle nod to her posh character. Close this content. Shooting started in Atlanta in November and continued through March , but before cameras started rolling, Emmanuel recalls a week of rehearsals with more theater-style games, much like her Zoom audition. The experience of making Megalopolis was unlike anything Emmanuel had done before—and it undoubtedly marked a jumping-off point for the kinds of prestige projects that could change the course of her career. Sign in. In an interview on Late Night With Seth Meyers , Plaza weighed in on what she thinks really happened between her character and Cameron — with a dose of her signature dry sense of humor, of course. Top Bottom.

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