Do mature women masturbate

Do mature women masturbate

That increase is across the board for both men and women. The UK has one of the biggest gaps, sitting in 13th place out of 17 countries. Masturbation can be a very pleasurable way to get to know every nook and cranny of yourself intimately. If your current regimen feels good to you, keep at it. Here's more on how to make masturbation feel better , plus how to make yourself orgasm. We reckon the fact that women still shoulder the majority of childcare and home responsibilities — and therefore have less free time — probably plays a part, too. Here's how often women should masturbate and why it's worth considering an ongoing self-pleasure practice. The more, the better. The statistics are part of a huge global survey of 14, participants from 17 countries, conducted by the sexual empowerment brand Womanizer. Nearly 85 percent of those surveyed told us they hop on the self pleasure train at least once a week. Think: over the phone , in a video call , or via another virtual technique. Brain boost: Orgasm spikes your body's DHEA levels , which help keep your brain, skin, tissues, and immune system healthy.

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