Family sex stories

Family sex stories

She was very satisfied with her husbands cock but her son's cock was definitely larger. Mom leaned forward, my cock still deep inside her and kissed me passionately, her soft boobs pressing into my chest. My Dates with Mom Ch. Her pussy was now soaked as she watched her daughter's soft lips gliding up and down her son's rigid eight inch cock shaft. Join now! Thinking back and comparing mom to someone popular today, she kind of looks like that actress Eva Longoria, the sexy burnette from the TV show, Desperate Housewives. Maureen Swallows Granddad Ch. Let's Talk Filling in as the man of the house. She rubbed sun tan lotion all over me. My hard cock was now touching her bare ass and it felt so good I had to stop sliding my shaft against her butt or I was going to cum. I nodded. As our orgasms subsided, with my cock still deep inside her and kissed me again softly on the lips, "How was that honey?

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