Luna human form sailor moon

Luna human form sailor moon

Facts Sources. Sailor Starlights' Profiles. Name Changes. The show follows a large ensemble of characters with distinctive personalities and skills. She wears an elegant, sleeveless flowing gown which is yellow and black and is shorter in the front than in the back, and black-heeled shoes. This page was last edited on 31 May , at Princess Serenity's crescent Moon also lit up as she awoke, signaling the restoration of her memories of her former existence. Though Luna's age is never discussed in any version of the series, Takeuchi states in the Materials Collection that Luna's human form appears to be a year younger than Usagi and goes on to describe her as frail, as if she had recently lost a lot of weight. Episode 9. Azabu-Juuban , Minato-ku , Tokyo. The Legend Of Zelda. Tuxedo Mask's Ability.

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