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A related topic of debate is the appropriate spot to place a measuring stick when collecting data above the rod or along the side , with users calling out advantageously angled rulers. For reprint rights: Times Syndication Service. Girth is also a hotly debated topic. Virat Kohli. Pornhub is blocking access to its content in five more US states starting in July in response to new age verification laws aimed at preventing minors from accessing adult content online. The good news is, maybe our cock-size obsession is all just a cultural phase. Apple Intelligence. The TOI Tech Desk is a dedicated team of journalists committed to delivering the latest and most relevant news from the world of technology to readers of The Times of India. Atishi Marlena. Porn stars always lose a couple of inches once you measure them. He also consults PEGym , which has a slew of tutorials for men looking to lengthen their dicks, boost girth, last longer during sex and other related topics. Which calls into question the mental-health factor of such forums.

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