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Carl is a "math professor", meaning he has a PhD and is therefore a "doctor", and Bill is a doctor of medicine. So, while originally published over forty years earlier, Death in Venice has obvious similarities to Lolita. So, in this interpretation, Helena is Carlotta Junior, the daughter of a woman who marries a Prince—and alternately is Giselle Junior, the daughter of a woman who dies from heartbreak by a nobleman and becomes a spirit avenger. Who is Carl Junior? Paris did so and then ran off with Helen, which started the Trojan War. Our protagonist, insecure about his sexual inadequacy, travels through a realm bursting with symbols of fertility worship—Christmas trees, decorations, lights. Polished copper was used to make mirrors in ancient times, and so the symbol for Venus has also been interpreted as representing the mirror of the goddess. Milich prostituting his daughter is the most blatant example. Boring husband doesnt know his wife wants interracial sex Black 4K. This is a pattern, of people vanishing when Bill looks for them again on his second day out; Marion, Domino, Nick. Black-and-white are the colours of a "domino" game tile, and of course the name of the prostitute Bill meets. The name of the cat painting at the Harfords' is Polly , by Kubrick's daughter Katharina, which calls to mind a stuffed tiger seen on Domino's bed, and the term "sex kitten".

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