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Well, I don't know if Hickman deserves a defense, but I'll give him one anyway. Keep reading. He feels unfulfilled. So…how did they hook up? I am voluntarily choosing to access this Website because I want to view, read, or hear the various available materials. And also that there was no burglar. Anonymous not verified. And then you have the big one which is…Peter can magically sense he is in fact supposed to be Spider-Man…. Norman as a dark father figure to Peter has always been symbollic and thematic in so far as Norman is a father and defined by that attribute to a large extent, therefore in fighting him Peter is fighting the anti-Uncle Ben. And being Spider-Man was always a mix of negative and positive for Mary Jane; we can be cynical and say that without Spidey in the picture, MJ never would've given Peter a second look, but I think it's just as valid probably a little more to say she would still be attracted to him for all his other qualities. Happy birthday to Stan Lee! This is like saying it is okay for a man in his midlife crisis to blow a chunk of the family savings on a sports car or get himself a 20 year old mistress because it will make him a more engaged husband and father.

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