Gay armpit twitter

Gay armpit twitter

Praise be! Gross as it might seem to some people out there, many gay men I know myself included find armpit sweat to be strangely appealing. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Please turn on JavaScript or unblock scripts. Start Writing Get the app. One of the chief pheromones in consumer products, androstenone, has a powerful effect on pigs, but no proven effect on humans, says Charles J. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. While there are pheromones in the animal world that will elicit a sexual response, there is no known human sex pheromone to date that will make you lucky. Share this post. I hope to see alot more of him in the years to come! Though the tweet has sat in relative obscurity since Arison put it out into the world, Twitter users began to comment on it on Wednesday morning, with several people calling on others to delete the app from their phones. That's why we don't lock Queerty articles behind a paywall.

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