Hentai if

Hentai if

Archived from the original PDF on 3 July Archived from the original on 17 April Archived from the original on 6 August Development into a loanword in English with its own meaning, referring to a specific pornographic genre. This meaning is used in the English translation of the light novel Perfect Blue: Complete Metamorphosis , although it is not directly entomological, and it may also reference the semi-sexual portions of the work. Archived from the original on 21 June In netorase , the protagonist enjoys, actively encourages or even causes the partner to have sex with others, often with their informed knowledge and consent. Retrieved 29 April Retrieved 14 May The US release of La Blue Girl altered the age of the heroine from 16 to 18, removed sex scenes with a dwarf ninja named Nin-nin, and removed the Japanese blurring dots. Category Portal. Notably, Night Life was not intended to be erotic so much as an instructional guide "to support married life".

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