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After Bill returns home from the mansion, Alice describes herself as having a dream in which many men are "fucking" her. And Kubrick directed Lolita , about a man in his fifties who is obsessed with a year-old girl. Kubrick described The Shining as "a ghost story", and while EWS is not clearly in the same category, there are plenty of clues indicating that many of the events and characters we witness are not real , leaving a haunting effect of its own. Psyche is from the Greek for "life" or "breath", with derivative meanings "soul", "spirit", "ghost", and "self". The most notable Rothschild reference in EWS is that the UK's Mentmore Towers—which serves as the Somerset mansion in the movie—was commissioned to be built in the s by the son of Nathan Rothschild. Numerous details in Eyes Wide Shut connect—in some surprising and strange ways—to things in the real world, in curious coincidences that can only be explained as examples of how far Kubrick's vision reached, whether conscious or subconscious on his part. Nicole Kidman's film immediately prior to EWS is the fantasy-comedy Practical Magic in which she plays the sister to Sandra Bullock, as two magic-slinging modern-day witches Bullock's birthday is also July 26th; the same as Kubrick, Vitali, etc. It's generally agreed upon that A Space Odyssey is his number one—is it satire too, of science fiction? The television screen and mirror function as windows between the characters' environments, gateways positioned in the same place in relation to Bill and Alice in their respective surroundings. Although his movies sometimes have a brash and brassy quality, Kubrick was actually a master of narrative subtlety—methodically calculating the most minute detail. Parts of the story take place in Venice, Italy, and parts in Venice, California. The opera's original title was The Triumph of Married Love , featuring the female protagonist Leonore in connection with Leon Vitali who disguises herself as a man named Fidelio in order to rescue her husband from a political prison.

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