Cougar screaming

Cougar screaming

Rate this album. Log in now. When male cougar screams, it often is due to the rivalry for the attention of females. You can opt-out at any time by visiting our Preferences page or by clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email. Why do cougars scream? Check out some examples below. Busch, Robert H. The cougar scream is a rare, high-pitched noise that rips through the wilderness air and causes hikers to freeze in place. Department of the Interior. A majestic, rarely seen predator lurking in the woods and making a primeval sound is intimidating, after all. Its image was so shrouded in myth and legend that it is difficult to learn much about them. Only females are known to make the screeching call, coinciding with their bodies' preparation for mating [source: Spalding ] In human jargon, we'd call that scream a booty call.

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