Babe videos

Babe videos

Thursday 22 February Monday 29 April The version of Taylor wanted to "believe in love stories and prince charmings and happily ever after," whereas in Swift's Fearless Taylor's Version liner notes, she looks back on the album as a diary where she was learning "tiny lessons" every time there was a "new crack in the facade of the fairytale ending she'd been shown in the movies. Terrific music. Tuesday 23 January Sunday 31 March Friday 15 March Pop Rescue. Even as a new country artist, critics claimed that she "mastered" the genre while subsequently ushering it to a new era — one that would soon see Swift dabble in country-pop. Albums Sorted by: Most popular Most popular By release date. Travel back in time to the early s for a classic story of love and betrayal in Sugarland 's latest video for "Babe," featuring none other than Taylor Swift. Some younger people have grown up with nothing but pop music.

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