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To hell with logics and with right and wrong: we just want to pontificate and judge others. And that this act is in itself the birth of all prejudice, of all oppression? OK, but that was seriously a good post. What Pornhub has done to try to fix things is number one, they will only allow videos to be uploaded by people who have verified their identities. I can watch videos of children who are being killed through the abortion process, even that makes my stomach absolutely churn. So sorry for your betrayal. All crimes are bad, crimes against children are even worse. When my children are older, I will never, ever, ever let them have a smartphone. Pablo Schreiber's nude scenes demonstrate his commitment to his art and his dedication to pushing boundaries. One female porn star in the industry had so much anal intercourse as part of her work that a piece of her muscle from her anus fell out on the set while she was filming. They want to hear the sound of a slot machine turning. To be honest, I am disappointed with this.

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