Hottest asian actors

Hottest asian actors

Learn more. Nora Lum, known professionally as Awkwafina, is an American actress and rapper. Ahead, check out some of the best Asian actors out there right now — including a few actors whose stars are on the rise. Simu Liu's innocent charm and effortless charisma are only part of the equation when it comes to his portrayal of creepy characters. Priyanka Chopra Jonas. His lithe movements and chameleonic facial expressions create a sense of unease, as he transitions from charming to sinister in the blink of an eye. Teen Crushes from the s. Colin Petierre's magnetic charisma and enigmatic smile perfectly disguise the darker motives of the unsettling characters he plays. Jaa watched martial arts films as a young kid and began to emulate some of his idols, from Bruce Lee to Jackie Chan to Jet Li. Lewis Tan. Gregg DeGuire. His more recent work includes an Emmy-nominated turn as Whiterose in Mr.

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