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In both practices, honesty is crucial—with yourself, your student, your audience. More than once in the past, we had occasion to admonish judges not to be onion-skinned when confronted by dissatisfied lawyers or litigants. It is fundamental that the quantum of proof in administrative cases such as disbarment proceedings is substantial evidence. Substantial evidence is that amount of relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion, even if other minds, equally reasonable, might conceivably opine otherwise. Mahinay also threatened Judge Generosa Labra with an administrative case if she would not resolve the motion for reconsideration in his client's favor. Their power to punish for contempt is not a bludgeon to be used for the purpose of exacting silent submission to their rulings and orders however questionable or unjust they may be. Vermeij, G. In Their Own Words. Babcock, L. Mahinay and reinstating the earlier Report and Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner to dismiss the Complaint. The Investigating Commissioner first noted that the alleged abusive remarks made by Atty. In Gibbons, W.

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