

I typed my books, 'Xn [X to the Nth]' and 'An Unsanded Floor', and their screenplay and teleplay adaptations, entirely with my eyes by using eye gaze tracking technology on a digital keyboard. From the mind of a man comes a small masterpiece! Clint Townsend. What a book! Put into movie format, there is no doubt this would be a blockbuster. Reading the story, you almost instantly become immersed in a world where there is no promise of safety ahead. Saeed , Masood Yousaf. Intelligent and well-written, 'X to the Nth' reminds us that faith, love, and hope are the irreplaceable, God-given foundational values that make us human. Definitely a recommended read. Fields of science No field of science has been suggested yet. All in all, 'X to the Nth' will keep you on the edge of your seat. My faith in Jesus Christ, and sense of humor, has empowered me to weather the many obstacles and challenges I face on a daily basis.

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