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For more details please read our Cookie Policy. Japan claims that Western countries named it the "Sea of Japan" prior to , before the growth of Japanese influence over Korean foreign policy after the outbreak of the First Sino-Japanese War in Section 1. Japanese media attempts to shift blame for the wartime brothels away from the Japanese military onto others, saying, "Prostitution agents were prevalent due to the poverty and patriarchal family system. Skip to main site navigation Skip to main content. Andhra Pradesh. Nonetheless, In s, X Japan song " Endless Rain " was very popular as the gilboard charts streetboard charts hit song by the street vendors sales, and Korean people heard this song everywhere through the vendors' boomboxes. See also: Korean influence on Japanese culture. Congratulations on your acceptance to Rhode Island College! Thank you. This resolution was passed with 54 ayes out of 57 parliament members present. Kyodo News The Japan Times.

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