Virginia pornhub

Virginia pornhub

When asked ahead of signing the bill in May whether he was concerned about Pornhub making such a move, Gov. Home » Virginia News » 'Is Pornhub down? Share on X formerly Twitter. No injuries reported after road rage shooting in Henrico. The Verge The Verge logo. This is a massive security risk. Please see our republishing guidelines for use of any other photos and graphics. The bipartisan age verification bill goes into effect on July 1 and would require websites where at least Share this story. While some pornography websites — most notably Pornhub — have opted to block users from accessing their platforms altogether in Virginia in protest of the new law, residents can still easily access adult content through a plethora of unrestricted, lesser-known websites. Virginia has since seen an increase in Google searches for VPNs — virtual private networks that allow users to get around blocked sites from their desktops and cell phones , as previously reported by the Washingtonian. ExpressVPN Digital Privacy Advocate Lauren Hendry Parsons said there are potential privacy concerns associated with uploading personal information through required age-verification methods.

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