Trish stratus boobs

Trish stratus boobs

A lot of what I did really worked for me and the fans responded. After slapping the face of Elias, Stratus was joined by Ronda Rousey and Natalya and together forced Elias to cede and vacate the ring. Candice Michelle WWE touching herself. There are parts of me that are superbitch and those were the elements that I applied to those roles. James, however, turned on Stratus after the match and began to attack her. She finished the year competing unsuccessfully for the WWF Women's Championship numerous times, and leaving Test and Albert when the team disbanded. Yanks blonde cutie Miss Trish vibrating her delicious twat to orgasm But I think fans want to see the wrestlers' real personalities. Upon her return, she continued to defend the title against numerous challengers before losing the championship to Lita on December 6 when both women wrestled in the main event of Raw for the championship, in which Lita delivered a finishing low blow to Stratus' groin. Vince and Stratus' relationship increasingly angered the boss' daughter, Stephanie McMahon. TNA Xplosion. The angle continued the next week on Raw with Vince forcing Stratus to strip down to her lingerie in the ring and bark like a dog.

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