Trevi fountain webcam

Trevi fountain webcam

Masca Valley - Tenerife. You can start your acquaintance with Rome from the Vatican Museums. The highest point is meters. SkylineWebcams Webcam Rate Rate this webcam 4. The center of the square is decorated with the famous Barcaccia fountain, made in the Baroque style by the ingenious project of Pietro Bernini. World Heritage Campo de' Fiori - Rome. Copyright - The Trevi Fountain has been featured in numerous films and other forms of popular culture, and it is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Rome. Sydney, Australia. The broadcast is conducted online. The construction of the Aqueduct Virgin Aqua Virgo, Acquedotto Vergine , still in use since the Emperor Augustus' period, has strongly influenced its history, it seems that its name derives from the Latin word "trivium" Treio , meaning a crossing of three roads, the fountain marks the exact terminal point of the aqueduct; the ancient three spouts pouring water into three separate tanks were replaced in with a larger rectangular basin by Leon Battista Alberti upon the desire of Pope Nicholas V; the aqueduct was later restored in obedience to Pope Pius V's wishes in and in taken again in consideration upon request from Pope Urban VIII by Gian Lorenzo Bernini whose assignment was to embellish the fountain and the square with a more imposing style. The overview covers the ancient fountain that adorns the square in front of the Pantheon, the landmark itself, as well as the houses adjacent to the square.

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