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Modeling healthy digital media use for your teen will go a long way in helping them to develop good habits. When your teen has made a harmful decision, such as saying something hurtful to a friend over text, engaging in a potentially dangerous viral challenge , or sharing an image on social media that they regret, you can ask them calmly why they made the choice they made, what they were hoping to achieve, and what they might do differently next time. Model healthy and appropriate digital behavior Modeling healthy digital media use for your teen will go a long way in helping them to develop good habits. When you need to change the playlist, send a text, or make a handheld call, pull over in a safe place and put the car in park before doing so. By working together with your teen to create a media use agreement — and to update it as they grow increasingly independent and responsible about their media use — you can help them build the habits that will lead to a healthier, more balanced engagement with the digital world. As teens and young adults develop their own sets of beliefs and values , these influences can be particularly important. Sexting is not uncommon among even young teens; keep in mind that this behavior may seem commonplace and safe to your teen. During the teen years, talk with your teen about expectations for digital management and help them to create habits around putting away their phone before bed, designing schedules for exercise and other offline time, and identifying focus settings for schoolwork to avoid multitasking with media. The transmission including the receipt of sexually explicit texts may be illegal for children under the age of 18 in many states and the sending of sexually explicit photos of minors may be considered sexual exploitation or child pornography under the law. The effects of social media may differ for teens based on many different factors in their life. Talk about the dangers of cell phones in the car Many teens will begin driving independently around the same age that they gain independent use of their cell phones. Karen says her friends shared links to favoured material casually.

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