Tia pornhub

Tia pornhub

EA: What variables influenced your decision to leave the business? Your own website, etc that could keep fans current with what you're doing - more as a celebrity site than anything else? TT: No. Yes because in the industry I learned so much about people and myself and it was one hell of an adventure. I think those porn veterans and porno super stars are actually some of the strongest people in the world. Like - they see you at a club and are like "hey that's Tia Tanaka - the porn star - she thinks she's all that, blah blah blah". But, also, that you don't like it. Just doing what you wanted, didn't give a shit what others thought, and went for it. What many don't know is that I had three interviews lined up with adult stars and, of those, Tia Ling happened to come through with her interview first. Even a small part? Much thanks to Ms. A lot of things are in talks this year and I hope they all fall through.

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TIA PORNHUB / shoppingpc.info