Texas blocked pornhub

Texas blocked pornhub

After a prolonged legal battle between the Texas attorney general's office and Pornhub, Texans are now unable to access the website on any device. Pornhub's message to Texas users argued that "providing identification every time you want to visit an adult platform is not an effective solution for protecting users online, and in fact, will put minors and your privacy at risk. Texas House Bill , requiring age verification for access to online pornography, came into effect in September , but was initially blocked by an injunction. More Coverage Expand the sub menu. The network also operates Porn MD, a video search engine that aggregates content from across the network. Indonesia's parliament is proposing changes to the country's broadcast law that may constitute a direct attack on freedom of the press. Pornhub is Blocking Visitors in Texas Pornhub has blocked visitors from Texas in response to age-verification laws that may infringe on users' privacy. This comes as a federal appeals court upheld a Texas law mandating that pornography platforms implement age-verification measures to ensure only adults aged 18 or older can access their websites, the Houston Chronicle initially reported. The 5th Circuit appeals court had previously issued a temporary stay that allowed the law to take effect in September Pornhub posted a message that now greets visitors from Texas. Profile My News Sign Out. This makes NordVPN infinitely cheaper and allows for big savings.

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TEXAS BLOCKED PORNHUB / shoppingpc.info