Texas banned pornhub

Texas banned pornhub

And while some people suggest that these voluntary parental control measures don't cut it because parents are too dumb or careless to use them, "that does not allow the government to sidestep them as a less restrictive means," Cohn noted. Jonah Aragon lays out an array of potential problems with this approach here. Or if you prefer, you can use its browser extension for Chrome or Firefox. Remote help and installation is available. The initial ruling against Texas' age verification law, " noted that Texas' own studies tended to show that content filtering and parental controls would be more effective, and better tailored, than age verification," First Amendment lawyer Ari Cohn pointed out last year. It's pretty clear that the days of open-access digital platforms are receding. Adult entertainment website Pornhub blocked access to its content from Texas on Thursday in response to a new law requiring age verification to access pornographic material in the state. Banning or putting up major barriers to products that people want doesn't stop people from wanting and accessing those products. A Better Way Forward? As the dissenting opinion by Judge Higginbotham makes clear, this ruling violates decades of precedent from the Supreme Court. Unlimited simultaneous connections. Which other US states have a porn ban?

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TEXAS BANNED PORNHUB / shoppingpc.info