Tasha yars sister

Tasha yars sister

In a demonstration of his power, Armus killed Yar while she was investigating the crash site. Although even if he is innocent of killing K'mpec, Gowran is one seriously freaky looking guy. It's a cheap way to go out. Ishara Yar. Which brings us to K'Ehleyr, who meets with the Enterprise on K'mpec's request. Yet, the fate of Sela is a mystery, one Picard might have room to answer. And she died doing the same. Deadly Games. Data considers his relationships with both Ishara and Tasha, as the Enterprise departs. However it might've gone down if Yar hadn't run into the Oil Slick Monster, we can only speculate, but I can promise you, sooner or later the show would've found a way to get back to Tasha's home-planet. Written by Joseph Baxter. For instance, the Enterprise's original security chief, Lt.

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