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Read more. Read Critics Reviews. Which is not to say, as the film points out, that Pornhub is clear of responsibility for nonconsensual and exploitative material on its website; an anonymous former MindGeek employee recounts how moderators were instructed to peruse videos as fast as possible, with quotas of about videos a day, necessitating the barest of skims. Jonathan A It was ok for what it was but without cooperation from sone of the execs it's really very one sided. D ocumentaries about pornography are usually building to one of two different climactic conclusions: that porn is actually a hateful enabler of rape, or that porn is actually a sex-positive celebration of sensual pleasure. Many victims find their videos posted online and, thanks to the site permitting downloads, removing them from the internet is like trying to keep water in a sieve. Iris Ng Cinematographer. Director Suzanne Hillinger is as interested in debate as she is in reportage. Home Film Reviews. The victims of the backlash, the film argues, are adult industry professionals whose careers are, increasingly, financially devalued. Markets Show more Markets. The focus seemed to be my "free speech " but used the porn hub brand to get views.

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