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By Nick Reynolds nreynolds postandcourier. FOX Carolina Investigates. The state wants to censor XXX content by forcing tech companies to install porn-blockers on all computers sold. In ensuring social media users are as old as they say they are, South Carolina's law could potentially require every social media user to verify their age with the platforms, a line conservative legal scholar and NetChoice vice president Carl Szabo told lawmakers could violate longstanding constitutional protections for anonymous speech on the internet. Copy Link lighning bolt icon An icon in the shape of a lightning bolt. Related stories. Homepage Newsletters. Zeam - News Streams. Users who try to visit the site in those states are now shown a video of Cherie DeVille. In Washington, D. Everything you need to know about sheriff's candidates Greg Kitchens and Carl Ritchie, who want to win the Republican nomination on June 25 to face incumbent Democrat Sheriff Kristin Graziano in November. Close icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'.

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