Somali sexse

Somali sexse

Federal and regional military courts continued to sentence people to death and carry out executions despite serious due process concerns. Substances Papillomavirus Vaccines. Leyla Jeyte. If she is sexually active and gets pregnant, then it is a problem. You do not have to be ashamed of it [Pap smears]. We obtained informed consent and the women filled in a small demographic questionnaire. And this comes from educating the parents first. A recent report by the British TV network Channel 4 documented these forms of blackmail occurring within the female Somali population at large, beyond the margins of sex work. Dutch education strategies about cervical cancer deviate from ways of exchanging information within the Somali community. The data was analyzed thematically for content and the following steps were taken: familiarizing with the data, coding the interview texts, searching for themes, reviewing and refining the themes, comparing the established themes with the entire data set, and writing the report [ 29 , 31 ]. Read Edit View history. Finally, although the level of education of Somali people in the Netherlands is generally low Table 1 , most young Somali women in this study followed higher education.

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