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By: Aaron Sanderford - June 20, am. Aaron Sanderford Political reporter Aaron Sanderford has tackled various news roles in his year career. A company spokesman who declined to give his name said such laws require adult websites to collect information about users in ways that put personally identifying information at risk. April 9, This story was updated Thursday afternoon to include reaction from Gov. AP and Getty images may not be republished. Carol Blood of Bellevue. He reported on politics, crime, courts, local government and business for the Omaha World-Herald and Lincoln Journal-Star. Carol Blood of Bellevue and other critics warned during debate that the state should not require such personal information to be shared with porn websites. Aylo suggested a better, safer approach to age verification — requiring it to be checked at the device level, on a phone or computer — to avoid transmitting personal information. Dave Murman of Glenvil, left, meets with State Sen. He reported on politics, crime, courts, local government and business for the Omaha World-Herald and Lincoln Journal-Star.

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