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My second published book, and it inspired me to write up my page on Publishing. Yet this book is more than just a list of laugh-out-loud inappropriate group names. Woodyanders 2 January It was upsetting. We still have to have the monthly human sacrifice that Lucifer demands and the lucky person who gets to honor of being it is non other then Janis who for all the suffering that she caused Bobby, now a fully accepted Satanist, over the years now finally ends up getting everything that she so rightfully deserves and has coming to her. He runs away from home, but ends up being gang-raped by a bunch of "queers". Use the funny team names below as ideas an inspiration to come up with something brilliant. I suspect the unintentional irony in this film would go over well in a gay film festival. Actually that last name is not so bad, but only because Doug is an awesome name. I kind of finished on a low point - with the nerdy ones, but some of the names I found on the internet were so good I laughed to the point of crying when I read them. The one thing I found really odd was how anti gay the satanic sect was. Coventry 9 July

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