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So, I was just taking my last bite of a Rice Krispie Treat that I bought at a local coffee shop as I began to read this article. Love this post — such fun! Back to the drawing board. I agree that higher quality marshmellows would make a big difference if you have them. Question regarding amounts on this step: 4 Tbsp. I have replaced the oats with veggie pulp from whatever I juiced.. Wife makes husband cum with foot job in the camper. Make caramel: Set a square of parchment paper over a medium-sized plate. I could not stop thinking about these ever since you posted them…when I decided to brave the weather here in the northeast to drive to the market the kids were not so sure it was a good idea. I did the carmel on a cookie sheet and silpat and it was fine. Adorable little happy face in the monkey costume- Jacob is getting so grown up. I'm so horny in the morning 3 years.

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