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Their arrogant, entitled, carefree and unsympathetic exploitation of Joe. Then as soon as that one is done I have to immediately get started on the next one for her bf which means another 30 hours and another week of nothing but 18 hour days. And they are all fucking hilarious af. Please Goddess Jade you can make all the rules and I will follow them no matter what they are. So you better take all that pent-up slave energy and put it into this!! Ive never enjoyed the idea of a Dom catering to my fantasies. VERY good job, you fucking piece of shit! We are glad you locked yourself up loser, now we can really control you like we want to. I love the smell and even the partial release of an erection without orgasm was nice so it was stopped as an activity However, my wife used to make me bring her to orgasm whilst she was wearing her panties. And your girlfriend! Are your hopes up slave? Yes, 6 page paper for Micro and next semester I will have Poli Science papers……..

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