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Riley gaines hot

Former Ron DeSantis speechwriter Nate Hochman said in a piece for The American Conservative , 'The narrow ideological frame that the right operates in permits only a long, unending line of "conservative alternatives to [X]," reproducing the values and animating assumptions of the dominant culture with a thin coat of right-wing policy priorities painted on top. While Gaines spoke to the students, many of whom expressed opposition to her viewpoints, other footage from the event showed the swimmer's remarks being drowned out by a group of pro-trans protesters who had become increasingly loud outside the room. River Flood Warning. Britain's first PM of Indian heritage reveals he has turned to his Hindu faith to give him strength amid election campaign Dozens of firefighters tackle raging inferno inside flat in London tower block - as four people are rushed to hospital Kate's back behind the camera! Here's how I did it - and my Latest News. Circle Country. An anti-woke Playboy is still, in essence, Playboy. She has been questioned in civil and somewhat uncivil manners about her views many times, and she thoroughly encourages diverse viewpoints and debate on this issue. I knew this was a place specifically I wanted to target. Order a Copy of a Story. A calendar launched by a 'woke-free' beer company featuring conservative women in pinup poses has sparked a controversy over right-ring morals.

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