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The new owners have vowed to engage with law enforcement officials, child safety experts, sex workers, academics and critics to discuss how to make Pornhub a better, safer, more responsible internet actor. Why would one of their leading members want anything to do with something as toxic as Pornhub? Join the Conversation. If the year-old father of three is not the most interesting man in Ottawa, then the licensed pilot and part-time law professor is certainly one of the busiest. The company, he says, has developed an online portal for law enforcement agencies that ensures requests are acted upon within four hours. MindGeek — the company is registered in Luxemburg but has a large Montreal office — owns not only Pornhub, but also a portfolio of adult entertainment sites, including YouPorn, Redtube, Brazzers, Men. You've reached the 20 article limit. New Harvard study claims aliens may be living underground on Earth aliens. The mansion belonged to Pornhub founder Feras Antoon. MindGeek eliminated 10 million pieces of user-generated content from Pornhub following the New York Times story, and introduced a program with the help of the digital identity company, Yoti, to verify the age and personal identity of anyone uploading content to the site. Pornhub owner MindGeek purchased by Ottawa-based private equity firm. Advertisement 4.

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