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Arsiaga and his wife Tina bought the six-acre Champions Fun Center two years ago and turned into a training center for at-risk youths in Lincoln. Click here to subscribe. My Subscription. Jim Pillen to recall lawmakers to Lincoln for special session in late July. District Judge Richard Young has set a briefing schedule on the plaintiffs' preliminary injunction motion that should enable him to issue a decision prior to July 1. Jim Pillen's plan to wipe out vacant state jobs ended up getting rid of half as many positions as he originally touted, producin…. Crime Subscribe. Sign in. Carol Blood of Bellevue and other opponents noted that teens or even grade-schoolers could utilize free virtual private networks, or VPNs, to access porn sites in Nebraska after the law takes effect. Manage followed notifications. Fatal shooting at Lincoln bar raises questions over unregulated gun, security markets. Your notification has been saved.

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