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Any talk like this, especially around the subject of masturbation, carries the risk of sounding like a s hygiene film. But you must assert that you too have a need for sex, and that for him to save all his sexual energy for himself is simply inconsiderate. There is a better, maybe even more satisfying life out there for him, and if he sees you as someone who's going to help him cross over into it, rather than someone who's trying to harangue him out of icky behavior, he might get there. Seems like your dude is hiding from something and depending on an old reliable habit to help him avoid dealing with it. Send any and all questions besides math questions to askdaveholmes gmail. You're not trying to turn him into a choirboy, you're just trying to be an active part of your own sex life. What should I do? I do not subscribe to the idea that masturbation is anti-social behavior in and of itself, but too much of anything—jerking off or booze or Twitter—suggests some deep-seated pain. Dear Dave,. You might, too. But you have a right to sexual satisfaction too, so something has to give. Urge him to talk about his feelings, with you and with a therapist.

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