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Even though they might realise it themselves. Because apparently you are not familiar with the topic at all. Enough to sustain me for the 2wks that I will be away for on my hols. The same with masturbation, it's natural to fiddle, enjoy it, and dare I say it, join in. I don't think there is anything abnormal or immoral about having sexual fantasies even if the fantasies aren't about your partner or masturbating. Yeahyou heard the you secure all types of all HQ porno sans needing to cover any such thing. There's no evidences whatsoever that it may affect negatively your mental and physical health. Mirage, of course flaws are parts of the very being of human. If you can't live with her the way she is, keep shopping. Pages: [ 1 ] Go Down. I think this can not be compared with drug dependence. Pages: [ 1 ] Go Up.

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