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Let's say she or he is the right one but not being brought really well, perhaps because of divorce If you can't live with her the way she is, keep shopping. This i[ This scene is from "Moms Tight" a site you get acce[ But that works for us. To be honest at this point I have no idea if what I have said makes any sense as my brain still hasn't fully rebooted yet. I'm not so easy to live with either. You imagine you get this M[ For one who believes he does not want to be flawed in any setting either in a family, work, friendship or intimate relationship must accept and acknowledge that the parties involved must have flaws even if they decide to conceal it from one's observation. As I don't beleive that it could happen to me, I want to read it from you lovely peeps here. I agree. You can have a lot in common with someone, love lots of things about that someone, but they will never be perfect.

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